Boston, MA, USA
Current Organization
Harvard Medical School
My main research interest is the characterization of neurological diseases through neuroimaging techniques, with particular emphasis on age-related conditions. During my residency in Neurology at Sapienza University “Sant’Andrea” Hospital in Rome (Italy), I started focusing on neurodegenerative diseases. As a Ph.D. student I continued working in this field at the Center for Neurological Imaging, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. I joined the Harvard Medical School Faculty in 2015, and I’m currently Assistant Professor of Radiology. During my Ph.D. and the subsequent postdoctoral fellowship, I conducted research projects aimed at investigating the neural substrates of neurocognitive diseases, such as small vessel disease and postoperative delirium. In addition to neuroimaging studies of neurocognitive diseases, I have been involved in the development of imaging acquisition and analysis methods, including quantitative methodologies to assess retinal abnormalities in subjects at risk for dementia, and magnetic resonance imaging analysis methods to measure correlates of neurodegenerative processes and cerebrovascular damage.