Background alzheimers Shape Background alzheimers Shape Background alzheimers Shape
a headshot of Dr. Cortes-canteli




Madrid, Spain

Current Organization

Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (Spain)


Dr. Marta Cortes-Canteli holds bachelor’s degrees in biochemistry (1999) and biology (2001), and a PhD in Biochemistry (2004), all from Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). Her thesis work at the Biomedical Research Institute “Alberto Sols” in Madrid received two awards and focused on studying the role of a transcription factor in neuronal differentiation and brain injury. In 2008, Dr. Cortes-Canteli moved to The Rockefeller University (NY, USA) as Women & Science Fellow and she later received a BrightFocus Alzheimer’s disease (AD) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and a BrightFocus AD Research Pilot Award, her first grant as Principal Investigator. During her time at Rockefeller, she discovered a pro-coagulant state in AD that plays an important role on disease onset and progression. In 2015, she returned to Spain with a European Marie Curie Fellowship to start a new line of investigation at the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) to decipher the heart-brain connection in AD. Dr. Cortes-Canteli was later chosen to be a Miguel Servet Researcher and obtained 6 different grants as Principal Investigator, including a European Grant as Consortium Coordinator and a BrightFocus AD Research Standard Award, among them. Dr. Cortes-Canteli has published over 20 research articles, has an h-index of 19 and is making important contributions to the understanding of the vascular component of AD.