Albany, NY, USA
Current Organization
Albany Medical College
Kristen joined the Department of Neuroscience & Experimental Therapeutics (DNET) at Albany Medical College in February 2017. Kristen obtained her PhD in Biomedical Sciences in 2011 and has been trained by leaders in the fields of neuroendocrinology (Dr. Robert Handa), cerebral vascular physiology and cerebral ischemia (Dr. Nabil Alkayed and Dr. Rayna Gonzales), aging and neurogenesis (MacArthur Fellow Dr. Sally Tempe). She has served as both Council member and Education co-Chair for the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences and currently serves on the Editorial Board for Biology of Sex Differences, Scientific Advisory Board for the Albert Research Institute for White Matter and Cognition, and is a standing member of the Chronic Dysfunction & Neurodegeneration (CDIN) study section for NIH. She is deeply committed to mentorship and is Co-Founder/Co-Director of the NY Capital Region Postdoctoral Development Program and Director of Graduate Studies in DNET. She has received funding at every stage of her career including her current NINDS R01, NIA U01, Alzheimer’s Association AARG, and 11 other current or previous grants (NIH and multiple foundations).