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Madrid, Spain

Current Organization

Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (Spain)


Dr. Juan Domingo Gispert’s main interest is to uncover the pathophysiological events of Alzheimer’s disease in its preclinical stages to develop preventive interventions. This main goal is pursued with the use of neuroimaging techniques (PET and MRI, mostly) in combination with clinical, cognitive, genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and other biomarker data, and in close collaboration with a network of multidisciplinary researchers. Dr. Gispert serves as an Expert in Neuroimaging Analysis at the Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Disease (CNIC) in Madrid, to lead the analysis of the neuroimaging data acquired in the different brain studies of the PESA cohort. He is also the Group Leader in Neuroimaging and Scientific Consultant of the neuroimaging platform of the Barcelonabeta Brain Research Center of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the leader of the ‘Physiology of cognition and Alzheimer’s prevention’ group at the Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques, in Barcelona (Spain). The research performed by Dr. Gispert has led to over 150 publications that have been cited more than 5000 times. He has been the PI and participated in several European projects of different programs, including H2020, JPND, IMI, and EIT. He has directed 5 Ph.D. theses and founded the spin-off company BetaScreen. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.