Charlestown, MA, USA
Current Organization
Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Eunhee Kim is a post-doctoral research fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi in the Genetics and Aging Research Unit and McCance Center for Brain Health at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She grew up in Seoul, Korea, and studied life science as an undergraduate at Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea. After she graduated as valedictorian and was chosen for the 32nd school funded scholarship for studying abroad in 2012, she came to the United States to start and complete her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in 2017 where she worked under the supervision of Dr. Francesca-Fang Liao. During her current postdoctoral training in the Dr. Rudolph Tanzi’s laboratory, she received a MGH ECOR Fund for Medical Discovery (FMD) Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in 2019.