San Francisco, CA, USA
Current Organization
University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Clelland, PhD, MD, MPhil, is a neurologist and physician scientist at UCSF. She completed her PhD in neuroscience in 2009 through work she conducted jointly at the Salk Institute/UCSD (supported by a Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Fellowship) and the University of Cambridge (funded by a Marshall scholarship). After finishing medical school at UCLA in 2013, and residency training in Neurology at UCSF in 2017, she returned to bench science to develop desperately needed novel therapies for patients with neurodegenerative diseases, including the Alzheimer’s-related dementia FTLD. She is currently working with Prof. Bruce Conklin, MD, to develop new CRISPR based gene editing therapies for C9orf72-FTD/ALS. She also sees patients with dementia at the UCSF Memory & Aging Center.