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Grants > Regulatory Mechanisms Underlying Endosomal Targeting of SORL1 Updated On: Feb. 5, 2025
Alzheimer's Disease Research Grant

Regulatory Mechanisms Underlying Endosomal Targeting of SORL1

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Principal Investigator

Olav Andersen, PhD

Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine

Berlin, Germany

About the Research Project


Alzheimer's Disease Research

Award Type


Award Amount


Active Dates

January 01, 2025 - December 31, 2026

Grant ID



This grant was funded through the Cross Border Grant Program in partnership with Alzheimer Forschung Initiative.


The goal is to identify novel mechanisms that regulate sorting of SORL1 to and from the endo-lysosomal network.

Unique and Innovative

Current knowledge on the intracellular trafficking itinerary of SORL1 is limited to studies from common cell lines, and only few details on its sorting steps in human neurons. Here we want to expand our knowledge focusing also on SORL1 binding partners and sorting steps in neurons as well as starting to address its trafficking pathway also in glia cells, including how on/off-signals can be regulated by phosphorylation of key residues within SORL1 sorting signals.

Foreseeable Benefits

As SORL1 is a major contributing factor for familial Alzheimer’s disease, an improved understanding of its biology related to disease mechanisms holds the promise for a better understanding of disease etiology for patients suffering from defects in the SORL1-trafficking pathway. This can potentially open for novel therapeutic strategies of benefits for the public.