Study of Segmental Aqueous Outflow in Uveal Drainage Pathway

About the Research Project
Award Type
Award Amount
Active Dates
July 01, 2022 - June 30, 2025
Grant ID
Co-Principal Investigator(s)
The goal of this project is to investigate segmental nature of uveal outflow pathway and the factors that may regulate it.
Specific aim 1 is to confirm the segmental nature of uveal drainage pathway in normal mouse eyes, and to demonstrate that the uveal outflow patterns can be altered by a glaucoma drug that increases the uveal outflow. Specific aim 2 is to demonstrate that uveal drainage pathway in normal monkey eyes is also segmental, determine if the uveal outflow drainage patterns change after altering trabecular outflow by laser treatment, and identify anatomic structures that are associated with the areas of active and inactive uveal drainage pathway in normal and laser-induced hypertensive monkey eyes.
Unique and Innovative
Increasing uveal outflow by medical and/ or surgical means lowers eye pressure in glaucoma. Our preliminary study suggests for the first time, that uveal outflow is segmental. Confirmation of segmental nature of uveal outflow could be exploited to optimize suprachoroidal drainage devices for glaucoma treatment.
Foreseeable Benefits
The results of these studies will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of IOP-reducing effect of a glaucoma drug, latanoprost, and the ideal location to place an aqueous humor drainage device in the suprachoroidal space to improve uveal outflow. The novel characteristics of uveal outflow that we find could advance glaucoma research.
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