Ann ArgabrightSeclow
Board of Directors
Ann Argabright Seclow is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who helps patients learn to navigate our complex healthcare system, empowering them to advocate for their right to obtain positive mental and cognitive health outcomes.
Before becoming a therapist, Ann worked as a professional marketer for 17 years and as a fundraiser for education non-profits for 10 years. Her work experience includes leading advertising teams in developing campaigns and raising funds to support education equality through non-profit organizations.
Ann’s career progression has helped her develop skills in collaboration, strategy, and results-oriented execution. She has equally enjoyed working with advertisers like Procter & Gamble, non-profits such as Teach for America, as well as at-risk teens navigating the transition to adulthood. She has a Bachelor’s degree in communications from UCLA and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from JFK University.
“BrightFocus supports breakthrough research that is giving people with diseases of mind and sight a chance for prevention and early treatment. I have personally benefited from the results of research BrightFocus has funded. I could not be more honored to be of service to this organization and its important mission.”