Nijmegen, Netherlands
Current Organization
Radboud University Medical Center (The Netherlands)
Dr. Yara Lechanteur is an ophthalmologist with a strong passion for research. In her clinical work, she is focused on the medical retina, with an emphasis on age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and glaucoma. Her research is focused on AMD. She performed her PhD entitled Towards personalized medicine in age-related macular degeneration under the supervision of Prof. C.B. Hoyng, Prof. A.I. den Hollander, and Prof. B.J. Klevering at the Radboudumc in Nijmegen and this was followed by her residency in ophthalmology. As of November 2020, she is working as a clinical fellow in medical retina and glaucoma and as a research fellow in AMD. At the end of 2022, she will join as a staff member at the Department of Ophthalmology at the Radboudumc.
Her research has mainly focused on identifying risk factors for the development and progression of AMD and on complement activation and complement genes in AMD. She has (co)-authored 27 peer-reviewed papers. She has successfully (co)-supervised 1 PhD student to the completion of his PhD during her residency. For the last two years, she has been working towards an independent research career. She has received over $700.000 of research support from grants and foundations in these years which allows her to pursue her research lines focusing on second-eye progression in AMD and early onset drusen maculopathy. She is currently (co)-supervising 3 PhD students working in these fields.