Adelaide, Australia
Current Organization
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (Australia)
Dr. Wood completed his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at Bath University (UK), and subsequently completed a D.Phil. and post-doctoral training at the University of Oxford in the prestigious Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology under the supervision of Professor Neville Osborne. His doctoral thesis and subsequent studies in Oxford combined his interests in molecular cell biology with investigating the ocular pathology associated with retinal diseases such as glaucoma. Upon moving to Adelaide to help establish a new research group, Dr. Wood has continued this work with his current research interests, including elucidation of the early molecular events involved in retinal degenerating conditions, with a particular focus on intracellular signaling events and pathways. In addition to his BrightFocus award, Dr. Wood has been awarded project grants from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia, and Glaucoma Australia.